Currently, CTEMPs has 3 Field Deployable DTS (FD-DTS) systems that are complete, stand-alone systems capable of running on solar power or 110/220 VAC. These systems are designed for harsh environments and can be configured with a variety of data storage and upload capacities. In addition, CTEMPs maintains 3 other types of DTS systems, one designed primarily for 110VAC power accessible environments, with less harsh environmental conditions (Sensornet Halo) and two high spatial and temporal resolution instruments (Silixa XT and Ultima). The Center also has access, on an as-available basis, to several DTS systems operated by OSU and UNR. CTEMPs has also developed a power pulse contoller for heating fiber optic cables. The Center has 2 units available for lease. CTEMPs at OSU has 2 cargo trailers equipped with 1260 W of solar panels each. Please contact the Center to determine if these systems are available and fit your needs.  See Instrument Lease Rates for a complete list of available equipment and costs.

Priority will be given for standard deployment periods (6 weeks) for these instruments.

Field deployable DTS (FD-DTS) system with standard (2 m) spatial resolution

Oryx DTS with 5km range and operating software. Included is a 3G compatible cell phone data link via Verizon or AT&T network (SIM card provided) and on-board data storage. The system is enclosed in a weatherproof shelter. The standard system is shipped to operate on 110VAC. The system can be equipped at additional cost with a 240 W solar system for power in most applications (user must provide two 70 amp-hour deep discharge batteries).

Deployment includes, upon request, standard calibration bath coolers and mixing pumps.

Instrument Request page.

Laboratory high-resolution DTS system

Contact CTEMPs for application requirements for this system (Silixa XT or Ultima).

Instrument Request page.

DTS system with reduced (4 m) spatial resolution

Contact CTEMPs for deployment options and availability.

Instrument Request page.

 Power Pulse Controller

The CTEMPs Power Pulse Controller is designed to provide easily controlled pulses of electrical power. The electrical power pulses are intended for use with armored optical fiber cables. The controller is designed to operated with either 120V AC or 240V AC with a maximum amperage of 30 A. Up to four cable sections can be heated on a programmable schedule. Contact CTEMPs for application requirements for this system.

Instrument Request page.