The CTEMPs MATLAB® DTS Toolbox provides simple graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to completely process DTS field data from start to finish. Users can compile raw data files collected by either Sensornet or Silixa DTS systems and calibrate the temperature data in a few simple steps. The User Guide outlines the contents of the toolbox and provide basic instruction for using the toolbox. A comprehensive sample data set with step-by-step instruction has been included.

These ‘beta’ GUIs require specific data files and formats. Files not matching expected formats may cause processing errors. The Guide contains specific details for how data may need to be formatted in the event of processing errors. Documentation for each GUI is provided in the manual.  These scripts were developed to be used with instruments leased through CTEMPs and have been tested on sample data sets collected from these instruments. Your feedback and recommendations are welcome.

This toolbox is the result of the hard work of both Mark Hausner and Scott Kobs.

Download the toolbox



DTSGUI is a public-domain software tool to import, manage, parse/cull, georeference, analyze and visualize fiber-optic distributed temperature sensor (FO-DTS) data.

Access via USGS website


Python DTS Calibration Toolbox

Bas des Tombe, Bart Schilperoort, and Mark Bakker from Delft University of Technology have developed a Python based toolbox for calibrating DTS. 

Access the toolbox on Github.

Detailed description of the calibration procedure:

des Tombe, B., Schilperoort, B. and Bakker, M., 2020. Estimation of Temperature and Associated Uncertainty from Fiber-Optic Raman-Spectrum Distributed Temperature SensingSensors, 20(8), p.2235.


Python DTS Data Processing Toolbox

pyfocs is the University of Bayreuth Micrometeorology python library for processing Fiber Optic Distributed Sensing (FODS) data. It is intended to streamline the handling of large and long-term DTS setups.

Access the toolbox on Github