2024 CTEMPs DTS/DAS workshop, UC Davis Sagehen Creek field station, Truckee California.
Tethered balloon Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) to understand temporal changes in near-surface atmospheric temperature profiles, New Mexico.
2024 CTEMPS DTS/DAS workshop, UC Davis Sagehen Creek field station, Truckee, California.
2024 CTEMPs DTS/DAS workshop, UC Davis Sagehen Creek field station, Truckee California.
2024 CTEMPs DTS/DAS workshop, UC Davis Sagehen Creek field station, Truckee California.
Structure from Motion Survey for topographic detail of the Soda Lake's basaltic maar volcanic vents, Fernley, Nevada
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGC) mapping with Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) and drone thermal imagery, followed by heat flux and geochemical characterization, Batangas, Philippines.
Geophysical mapping of a shallow magmatic intrusion with drone magnetics surveying, Cordon Caulle, Chile.
Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) to understand seasonal changes near-surface (2 meters) atmospheric turbulence, Tonopah, Nevada.
Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) measurements to identify submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the near-shore environment, Batangas, Philippines.
International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration TARSAN team member Dr. Ted Scambos makes final adjustment to the Cavity Camp AMIGOS mooring. As well as other data acquisition, the team recorded both DAS and DTS measurements through and beneath the ice shelf.
Vertical Seismic Profiling with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) through Thwaites ice shelf, Antarctica.
Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) to investigate surface water-ground water interactions and post-storm stream temperature variability, Tumbling Rock Cave, Alabama.
Incoming freshman introduced to Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) during ScienceFIT, Manzanita Bowl, University of Nevada, Reno.
Structure from Motion project to mitigate post-fire stream incision in Hardscrabble Canyon, Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, Nevada.