
Welcome to CTEMPs

CTEMPs provides field-deployable high-precision fiber optic temperature and acoustic measurement systems, Openly Published Environmental Sensors, and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) User fees are very low, and experiment design, installation, and data analysis is supported by a staff of scientists. Instruments are available now, obtained rapidly through an online request form.  All non-commercial projects for discovery and education are welcome.

CTEMPs offers a series of courses to train researchers and students on the leading edge of distributed sensing and UAS.

CTEMPs has developed a suite of policies on instrument accessibility and data sharing in concert with its Advisory Board and CUAHSI.

Oregon State University    

Pilot Study - DTS and DAS Support

CTEMPs provides access to equipment for the advancement of understanding of environmental processes using innovative sensing. Since CTEMPs offers instrumentation that is not normally accessible, many times it is necessary to verify that it will perform as required for a particular application. In addition, CTEMPs seeks to introduce transformative equipment to scientists early in their careers to help them incorporate these technologies as they establish their research trajectories. To assist the community in this effort, CTEMPs has a pilot program, where equipment and support is made available for short-term installations on limited budgets with the primary goal to collect publishable data that verifies feasibility. The Pilot Program is open to graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and tenure-track PIs with preference given to young investigators.



Proposals are evaluated based on these criteria, with the basis that if equipment is available, it will be provided to all valid uses, and otherwise prioritized via this point system:

  1. Provide access to instrumentation that could transform the research experience of the individual or group (scientific merit – 20 pts plus 10 pts if graduate student led);
  2. Their likelihood of leading to scientific discovery using this instrumentation (feasibility 20 – pts);
  3. Likelihood of team to succeed (demonstrated ability – 20 pts);
  4. Linkages to educational opportunities (broader merit – 20 pts plus 10 pts if graduate student led);
  5. Institutional availability of similar equipment (necessity of external instrument use – 20 pts).

Instrument leasing and mobilization fees can be waived, however no financial support is provided. Proposals will be reviewed and awarded by the CTEMPs staff. Prospective PI's are encouraged to contact the staff of the Center with any questions.
Proposal applications are accepted anytime. Proposals are reviewed by the CTEMPs staff with notification within 3 weeks of submission. We encourage you to get in contact with CTEMPs staff to develop your Pilot Program proposal to refine concepts, experimental design, and logistical aspects. Proposals should be submitted in electronic form to Ann Gaidos-Morgan.

Proposal Contents:

  1. Standard CTEMPs Instrument Request form
  2. Up to two-page document consisting of a project summary, and a numbered set of 5 paragraphs indicating the merits of the proposal related to each of the five criteria discussed above.
  3. References (no limit)
  4. Budget, Resources, and Schedule (one page demonstrating practicability)
  5. Curriculum Vitae of team

Data Policy: As in all CTEMPs projects, data will be made public consistent with the overall CTEMPS Data Sharing Policy.

Report: Awardees are required to submit a report one year after the delivery of the data.

Data Sharing & Archival Policy


NOTE: These policies and procedures are subject to change. However, no retroactive changes are to be implemented.

The CTEMPS equipment represents a significant resource to the hydrologic and earth sciences community. The quality of the data collected by this resource is such that it will be of interest to investigators for many years. In order to encourage the use of the data by others and thereby make the facility of more value to the community, it is CTEMPS policy that all data collected by instruments be provided to the Center in ODM format so that they can be accessed by other interested investigators after a proprietary period of 6 months.

The Center's policy is that delivery of data is an obligation of the investigator, and the archival of the data for potential community use after the propriety period is the responsibility of the Center. As most instruments available from the Center will be delivered with wireless modem/data transmission systems, the Center will automatically archive raw data. However, it is the PI's responsibility to provide a Metadata Report on the experimental design for Center archiving. The Metadata Report will be generated in a consistent form with the National Water Metadata Catalog developed by the CUAHSI HIS and will contain data on the installation, experimental design and all other pertinent data appropriate for interpreting the results. The Center will provide archived data access to the PI throughout the course of the experiment and beyond. The data and MetaData Report will remain confidential for a period of 6 months after the end of the fieldwork. Requests for access to data prior to this time will be forwarded to the PI and the decision for early release will be made jointly by the PI and the Center.

Contact CTEMPs


John Selker


541-737-6304 Biological & Ecological Engineering 
210 Gilmore Hall 
Oregon State University 
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3906
Email John Selker

Adrian Harpold

Principal Investigator

775-784-6759 Dept. of Geological Sciences and Engineering 
University of Nevada, Reno 
1664 N. Virginia St.
Reno, NV 89557-0172
Email Adrian Harpold

Scott W. Tyler


775-784-6250 Dept. of Geological Sciences and Engineering 
University of Nevada, Reno 
MS 175 
Reno, NV 89557-0172
Email Scott Tyler
 Chris Kratt  

Chris Kratt

Laboratory Manager


Dept. of Geological Sciences and Engineering 
University of Nevada, Reno 
1664 N. Virginia St. 
Reno, NV 89557-0172

Email Chris Kratt

Chet Udell



Dept. of Biological and Ecological Engineering
Oregon State University 
116 Gilmore, 124 SW 26th St.
Corvallis, OR  97331-3906

Email Chet Udell

Eileen Martin



Colorado School of Mines
253 Green Center
924 16th St.
Golden, CO  80401


Email Eileen Martin

Mark Hausner



Division of Hydrologic Sciences
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Pkwy.
Reno, NV  89512


Email Mark Hausner



Instrument Access Policy


The instruments and technical skills of the Center are designed to support the hydrologic sciences and engineering communities. Instruments will be made available on a first-come/first served principle. Instrument requests from funded competitive granting agencies will not be competitively reviewed within the Center, as the Center will rely upon the review process of the agencies. However, the Center does reserve the right to review the request to insure that the proposed activities are feasible and attainable with the requested resources. This approach has been successfully utilized by many scientific consortia, such as IRIS-PASSCAL and the Center will adopt this model during its first two years of operation.

Based on the concepts of fairness and availability, the following protocols will be used to schedule and accommodate instrument requests:

  1. All allocations will be on a first-come, first served basis. Applications will be taken in chronological order from the Instrument Request page.
  2. All allocations are equal once a commitment is made by the Center for instrument distribution. A PI cannot be "bumped" from the Center's commitment unless by mutual agreement of all parties.
  3. Allocation of instruments for greater than 12 months in advance of the application will only be made to NSF grantees for uses that directly support their NSF funded efforts. A copy of the grant and a justification of the relevance of the equipment to be used in the grant will be required.
  4. Allocations more than 6 months in advance will be made only to PIs of peer-reviewed and funded research grants. A copy of the grant and a justification of the relevance of the equipment to be used in the grant will be required.
  5. Instruments and equipment not allocated less than 6 months prior to use will be scheduled for use in any non-commercial research project seeking data to be used for peer-reviewed scientific dissemination.

Application for instrument and equipment support can be made via the Instrument Request page. The Center will review all proposals for feasibility and appropriateness of instrumentation. Any disputes regarding instrumentation or access will be taken before the CAB for analysis. The CAB represents the final authority in any cases of dispute.

CTEMPs support should be acknowledged in any resulting publications using a statement similar to the below:

"We thank CTEMPs, funded by the National Science Foundation (EAR awards 1832109 and 1832170), for timely and effective provision of experimental design support, logistical support and equipment for the project."

DTS and Accessory Systems

Currently, CTEMPs has 3 Field Deployable DTS (FD-DTS) systems that are complete, stand-alone systems capable of running on solar power or 110/220 VAC. These systems are designed for harsh environments and can be configured with a variety of data storage and upload capacities. In addition, CTEMPs maintains 3 other types of DTS systems, one designed primarily for 110VAC power accessible environments, with less harsh environmental conditions (Sensornet Halo) and two high spatial and temporal resolution instruments (Silixa XT and Ultima). The Center also has access, on an as-available basis, to several DTS systems operated by OSU and UNR. CTEMPs has also developed a power pulse contoller for heating fiber optic cables. The Center has 2 units available for lease. CTEMPs at OSU has 2 cargo trailers equipped with 1260 W of solar panels each. Please contact the Center to determine if these systems are available and fit your needs.  See Instrument Lease Rates for a complete list of available equipment and costs.

Priority will be given for standard deployment periods (6 weeks) for these instruments.

Field deployable DTS (FD-DTS) system with standard (2 m) spatial resolution

Oryx DTS with 5km range and operating software. Included is a 3G compatible cell phone data link via Verizon or AT&T network (SIM card provided) and on-board data storage. The system is enclosed in a weatherproof shelter. The standard system is shipped to operate on 110VAC. The system can be equipped at additional cost with a 240 W solar system for power in most applications (user must provide two 70 amp-hour deep discharge batteries).

Deployment includes, upon request, standard calibration bath coolers and mixing pumps.

Instrument Request page.

Laboratory high-resolution DTS system

Contact CTEMPs for application requirements for this system (Silixa XT or Ultima).

Instrument Request page.

DTS system with reduced (4 m) spatial resolution

Contact CTEMPs for deployment options and availability.

Instrument Request page.

 Power Pulse Controller

The CTEMPs Power Pulse Controller is designed to provide easily controlled pulses of electrical power. The electrical power pulses are intended for use with armored optical fiber cables. The controller is designed to operated with either 120V AC or 240V AC with a maximum amperage of 30 A. Up to four cable sections can be heated on a programmable schedule. Contact CTEMPs for application requirements for this system.

Instrument Request page.


Instrument Lease Rates

Instrument Lease Rates**


Instrument system


Distributed Acoustic Sensing System (DAS) Negotiable

Field Deployable DTS system (e.g. Sensornet Oryx)

$50/day plus shipping

Medium resolution DTS (e.g. Silixa XT)

$100/day plus shipping

High resolution DTS (Silixa Ultima)

$125/day plus shipping

240W Solar power system for Field DTS

$200/mo plus shipping

1,260 W Solar trailer

$25/day plus transportation

Additional stand-alone temperature loggers (0.2 °C, e.g. Tidbits)

$3.5/day (package of 10) plus shipping

Stand-alone high resolution temperature logger (0.002 °C, e.g. RBRsolo-T)

$3/day plus shipping

Fiber-optic cable heating system

$10/day plus shipping

Fusion splicer (for cable repair, e.g. Fujikura 18S or 19S)

$50/day plus shipping

Splice boxes (watertight, e.g. Tyco Gator Splice Box, COYOTE® LCC (Low Count Closure))

$65 each plus shipping

Cable connector (Pigtail - single ended with E2000(apc))

$50 each plus shipping

*Field deployable DTS system is in a weatherproof enclosure, and includes, upon request at no additional cost, reference baths and cellular data uplink capacity. System cost does not include solar panel option.


Fiber Optic Sensing Cables

Cable style



Standard (e.g. OFS Mini LT Flat Drop)

$0.65/m plus shipping*

$0.33/m plus two-way shipping

Armored (e.g. Kaiphone)

$2.50/m plus shipping*

$1.00/m plus two-way shipping

High Pressure (e.g. Solifos BRUsens)

$5.00/m plus shipping*

$1.25/m plus two-way shipping

Special Purpose

Please contact CTEMPs

*All cables are multi-mode and dual fiber. E2000 connectors will be added upon request at additional cost.


Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

All rentals are on a daily basis (8h) including a professional pilot. Extra charge applies for pilot's Per Diem rate & transportation

Instrument system


Light lift UAS with a standard visible camera and pilot

$556/day plus shipping

Medium lift UAS with standard visible camera and pilot

$618/day plus shipping

Medium lift UAS with multispectral camera and pilot

$804/day plus shipping

Medium lift UAS with thermal Infrared camera and pilot

$1,020/day plus shipping

Medium lift UAS with magnetometer

$1,500/day plus shipping

 ** Lease rates apply for the entire rental period starting when the equipment is shipped from CTEMPs location to recipient and until the equipment is fully returned, in original condition and with all the accessories provided.


Instrument Calendar

Manufacturers' Information

Listed below are links and PDF descriptions of various sensing systems, cables, accessories and recent developments in environmental sensing. The listing of this information does not represent endorsement or product support by CTEMPs, but rather is designed to serve as an information resource for users. CTEMPs will periodically update and add to this reference material and users are encouraged to contact CTEMPs with suggestions for postings.


   AP Sensing



  • G1-C, combined DTS and DSS using Brillouin scattering
  • G1-D, combined DTS and DSS using Brillouin scattering
  • G1-R, combined DTS and DSS using Brillouin scattering


Lios Technology


  • DTS 500 Series
  • DTS 1000 Series






Yokogawa logo



AFL Telecommunications

  Solifos Fiber Optic Systems

OFS Fiber Optic Cables

Cable Handling & Splicing

Supported DTS Projects

Jump to a year: 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Project metadata and data (after two years) are available through HydroShare.


Principle Investigator Affiliation Project Sponsor Duration (months) Project Focus
E. Martin Virginia Tech NSF 12 Sits: Collaborative Research: Understand and Forecast Long-term Variations of In-situ Geophysical and Geomechanical Characteristics of Degrading Permafrost in the Arctic
M. Wengrove Oregon State University Department of Defense 1.3 Bottom Mounted Fiber Optics for Sensing Nearshore Hydrodynamics
L. Murdoch Clemson University Department of Defense 12 Development of high temperature thermal energy storage and recovery using borehole heat exchangers
R. Cook Sandia National Lab Department of Energy 0.6 Tethered ballon systems
N. Terry U.S.G.S Department of Defense N/A Demonstrating a Multi-Scale Thermal and Electromagnetic Technologies Toolbox for Improved Mapping and Monitoring of Contaminated Groundwater Discharges to Surface Water
H. Chang Portland State University Tualatin River Environmental Enhancement (TREE) Grant Program 1.5 Effects of Stream Restoration and Beaver Activities on Stream Temperatures in Urban Streams
M. Silivia WoodsHole NASA 1.2  Test the survivability of certain fiber optic tethers as they are frozen into water ice at pressures up to 3000 psi.
C. Gabrielli SelkerMetrics N/A 1.0 Locating and quantifying groundwater discharge to a marine waterway
E. Williams The University of Texas at Austin NSF 2.3 Multi-scale Thermal Mapping of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Critical Coastal Ecosystems of Volcanic Islands


Principle Investigator Affiliation Project Sponsor Duration (months) Project Focus
C. Gabrielli SelkerMetrics N/A 9 Conway Culvert
N. Terry USGS USGS 0.03 Thermal hydrologic survey
D. Dexheimer Sandia National Lab Department of Energy 0.8 Tethered balloon experiment
E. Martin Virginia Tech NSF 4 Sits: Collaborative Research: Understand and Forecast Long-term Variations of In-situ Geophysical and Geomechanical Characteristics of Degrading Permafrost in the Arctic
D. Dexheimer Sandia National Lab Department of Energy 0.5 Tethered balloon experiment
M. Wengrove Oregon State University Department of Defense 2.7 Bottom Mounted Fiber Optics for Sensing Nearshore Hydrodynamics
T. Scambos NSIDC NSF 1.75 DTS and DAS Thwaites glacier
M. Wengrove Oregon State University internal 0.1 DAS cable performance testing in OSU Wave Lab


Principle Investigator Affiliation Project Sponsor Duration (months) Project Focus
D. Fratta UW-Madison Department of Defense 2.1 Experimental model of a horizontal geothermal exchange system
J. Miller University of Colorado NSF 1 Antarctica Firn aquifers
C. Gabrielli SelkerMetrics NA 8 Conway Culvert
C. Opatz U.S. Geological Survey Department of Defense 0.8 Metals in terrestrial groundwater and intertidal marine porewater along unwalled shorelines of the Bremerton Naval Complex, WA
M. Yates U.S. Geological Survey Other 0.5 Johnson Creek Basin Water Temperature Monitoring
X. Hu Oregon State University Department of Energy 0.0 Creation of a single mode fiber sensor


Principle Investigator Affiliation Project Sponsor Duration (months) Project Focus
M. Siegfried Stanford University NSF 11.5 SALSA: Mapping subglacial groundwater in Antarctica
D. Winebrenner University of Washington NSF 0.2 Dense observation of geothermal fluxes in Antarctica
KC Carroll New Mexico State University Department of Energy 2.6 Temperature Mapping as an Indirect Characterization Method for Surface Water-Hyporheic Zone Exchange
E. Pardyjak University of Utah NSF 1.4 Idealized Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity
M. Wengrove Oregon State University CTEMPs 3 DTS for detecting dune erosion
S. Kelley New Mexico Bureau of Geology Internal 1 Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience –undergraduate instruction
A. Stonewall USGS Oregon Water Science Center USGS 0.7 Lake bottom temperature in Crystal Springs Lake
C. Gabrielli Selker Metrics Other 0.4 Detecting groundwater upwelling in Newtown Creek Canal in New York City.
X. Hu Oregon State University Department of Energy 0.0 Creation of a single mode fiber sensor
B. Caves Andrews Hammock & Powell Inc. Department of Defense 0.6 Geologic and Thermal Analysis at Ft. Benning, GA
J. Miller University of Colorado Boulder NSF 2.0 Antarctic Firn Aquifers

Jump to top



Affiliation Project Sponsor Duration (months) Project Focus
D. Hare AECOM Nevada Division of Environmental Protection 1 Groundwater discharge
R. Tipping University of Minnesota  Other 0.5 Evaluate Temperature, Streamflow, and Hydrogeology Impact on Brook Trout Habitat
T. Pickering U.S. Navy  U.S. Navy 0.25 Side by side comparison of multiple DTS units
P. Long Lake Chelan Research Institute  Other 12

Internal seiche in Lake Chelan

A. Rich Sonoma County Water Authority  Other 4

Distributed Temperature Sensing in an Aquifer Storage Recovery Injection Observation Well

C. Thomas University of Bayreuth Internal 0.25

Wind direction from comparison of arrays of heated and passive fiber optic cables

J. van Ramshorst TU Delft Internal 0.35

Wind speed from comparison of heated and passive fiber optic cables

Eric Pardyjak University of Utah NSF 0.7 Idealized Planar Array experiment for Quantifying Surface heterogeneity
Frank Selker Selker Metrics Other 2.1 Passaic River
Mark Hausner Desert Research Institute DOE 0.6 Temperature profiling during sampling
Thomas Glose University of Buffalo CTEMPs 1.2

Quantification of Fluxes Using a Physically Paired Fiber-Optic Cable

Kurt Feigl

University of Wisconsin CTEMPs 0.25 PoroTomo project follow-up well bore temperature profile
April Hiscox University of South Carolina NSF 3 SAVANT: Stable Atmospheric Variability ANd Transport
Dale Winebrenner University of Washington NSF 3 Dense observation of geothermal fluxes in Antarctica
Matthew Siegfried Stanford University NSF 2.4 SALSA: Mapping subglacial groundwater in Antarctica
Robert Tipping University of Minnesota Other 1.6 Hydrogeology and Trout Health, Southeastern Minnesota
Kurt Feigl University of Wisconsin CTEMPs 0.25 Distributed Acoustic sensing at PoroTomo for detection of Nevada Test Site M 2.3 explosion

Jump to top



Affiliation Project Sponsor Duration (months) Project Focus
S. Chandra UNR NSF 5 Lake stratification
M. Daniels NOAA NOAA 12 Lake Shasta
S. Tulaczyk UCSC NSF 3 Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling
Y. Cheng Columbia University DOE 9 Heated optic fiber experiment
K. Davis University of California - Irvine Internal 3 Quantifying influences of small-scale variability and recent thermal history on coral thermal tolerance
S. Giddings UCSD USC Sea Grant 1 Ocean-lagoon mixing
M. Hausner Desert Research Institute DOE 0.3 A pilot test of distributed thermal perturbation sensing as a method to assess hydrogeologic heterogeneities on Pahute Mesa
R. Tipping University of Minnesota Other 2

Evaluate Temperature, Streamflow, and Hydrogeology Impact on Brook Trout Habitat

T. Gilmore University of Nebraska-Lincoln Internal 3

Using fiber optic distributed temperature sensing and point-scale measurements to quantify groundwater-surface water flux

J. Cole U.S. Geological Survey Other 2

Fine Scale Temperature in the Delaware River

D. Dexheimer Sandia National Laboratories DOE 1

Aerial Assessment of Liquid in Clouds at Oliktok

C. Hatch University of Massachusetts USDA 3

Soil moisture in wetland habitat

P. Long Lake Chelan Research Institute Other 2

Internal seiche in Lake Chelan

C. Higgins Oregon State University Internal 0.1

Total solar eclipse

D. Winebrenner University of Washington NSF 2

Rapid ice drilling

Jump to top



Affiliation Project Sponsor Duration (months) Project Focus
Dexheimer Sandia Labs DOE 5 Atmospheric characterization from tethered balloons, TX
Chandra Univ. of Nevada, Reno   4.5 Temperature profile of Castle Lake, CA
J. Selker Oregon State Univ. NOAA 1 Stream thermal monitoring in the Middle Fork John Day River
S. Tulaczyk UC Santa Cruz NSF 3 WISSARD project, Antarctica
Singha CO School of Mines CUAHSI 1.5 CUAHSI workshop
V. Martin Polytechnique Montreal Internal 2.5 Water fluxes through waste rock
C. Higgins Oregon State Univ. Internal 1 Effectiveness of frost protection in vineyards
Gentine Columbia Univ. DOE 3 Spatial structure of turbulence
M. Hausner Desert Research Institute Internal 5 Thermal monitoring of a shallow springbrook
E. Kempema Univ. Wyoming NSF 1.5 Groundwater surface water exchange
  USFS Internal 3 Effect of forest practice management on snowpack/watershed
T. Scambos Univ. of Oregon NSF-OPP 0.5 Ice shelf monitoring

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Principle Investigator


Project Sponsor

Duration (months)

Project Focus

K. Davis

UC Irvine



Coral reefs in the South China Sea

S. Tulaczyk

UC Santa Cruz

NSF-Polar Programs

WISSARD Project Antarctica

E. Kempema

Univ. Wyoming



Groundwater surface water exchange 

T. White

Penn State


CZO/REU Projects at Shale Hills and Cristina River CZO

Woods Hole Oceonographic Institute



Continental shelf oceanography

P. Wetzel

Smith College



Stream thermal monitoring

D. Hyndman

Michigan State Univ



Lake monitoring

C. Zarneski

Michigan State Univ



Stream thermal monitoring

C. Higgins/H. Holmes

Oregon State Univ/ Univ of Nevada, Reno



Athmospheric boudary layer near windmills

S. Broda

Ecole Polytéchnique

Environment Canada


Tar sand tailings monitoring

L. Hawkins

Cornell Univ. 



Fusion splicer only 

S. Null

Utah State Univ.

State of Utah


Stream thermal monitoring

C. Ochoa

Oregon State Univ.

Oregon State Univ.

6 Stream thermal monitoring

E. Danner



5 Lake Shasta thermal monitoring 

C. Surfleet

Cal Poly

State of California

0.5 Surface water groundwater interaction 

D. Catsenyk


CTEMPs Pilot Program

1 Surface water groundwater interaction

A. Parsekian

Univ. Wyoming


2 Groundwater surface water exchange 

Jump to top


Principle Investigator


Project Sponsor

Duration (months)

Project Focus

K. Davis

UC Irvine



Coastal Oceanography

S. Tulaczyk

UC Santa Cruz

NSF-Polar Programs

WISSARD Project Antarctica

T. White

Penn State


CZO/REU Projects at Shale Hills and Cristina River CZO

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute



Continental shelf oceanography

S. Null

Utah State Univ.

State of Utah


Stream thermal monitoring

C. Surfleet

Cal Poly

State of California

0.5 Surface water groundwater interaction 

D. Catsenyk


CTEMPs Pilot Program

1 Lake Vanda Limnology

A. Parsekian

Univ. Wyoming


2 Groundwater surface water exchange 

S. Tyler



0.5 DTS Short Course

Jump to top


Principle Investigator


Project Sponsor

Duration (months)

Project Focus

C. Thomas

Oregon State Univ.



Atmospheric Science

S. Tulaczyk

UC Santa Cruz

NSF-Polar Programs


WISSARD Project-Antarctica

D. Catsenyk


CTEMPS Pilot Program


Lake Vanda limnology

A. Parsekian

Stanford Univ.



Groundwater recharge

R. Pinkel


NSF-Ocean Sciences


Tahiti oceanography

K. Smettem

Univ. of Western Australia

National Centre for Groundwater Research


Soil moisture monitoring

T. Read

Norwich Univ.



Well flow measurement

A. Anon

Hebrew Univ.

Israeli Geo Surv


High res Dead Sea processes

C. Jasper

CO School of Mines

Internal University


High resolution infiltration

S. Sellwood

Univ. of Wisconsin

State of Wisconsin


Borehole flow and interaquifer flow

P. Kyle

New Mexico Tech

NSF-Polar Programs



Jump to top


Principle Investigator


Project Sponsor

Duration (months)

Project Focus

C. Thomas

Oregon State Univ.



Atmospheric Science

J. Dozier

UC Santa Barbara



Snow Hydrology

J. Lee

Clemson Univ.



Stream-aquifer interaction in contaminated site

A. Fryar

U. of Kentucky



Surface Water/groundwater interactions

R. Pinkel




Coastal Oceanography

J. Duncan

Univ. of N. Carolina

CTEMPS Pilot Program


Surface Water/groundwater interactions

S. Steele-Dunne

TU Delft



SMAP Soil Moisture Mapping

P. Kyle

New Mexico Tech

NSF-Polar Programs



M. Goosef

Penn. State Univ.

NSF-Polar Programs


Dry Valleys LTER

L. Kryder

Nye County, NV



Borehole thermal profiling

C. Welty

Univ. of Maryland



Urban Hydrology (LTER)

E. Bray

UC Santa Barbara

Pilot Program


Surface Water/groundwater interactions

L. Tallon

Univ. of Saskatchewan



Tar Sand Reclamation

K. Costigan

Kansas St. Univ.

Pilot Program


River Dynamics and Mixing

C. Ochoa

New Mexico St. Univ.



Prescribed Burn soil monitoring

A. Lewis

State of New Mexico

 State of New Mexico


Stream Habitat Monitoring

G. Scoppatone


US Fish and Wildlife Serv.


Stream Habitat Restoration

C. Hatch

U. of Mass



CUAHSI Short Course

L. Bond

Humboldt State Univ.



River Restoration and Salmon Recovery

Jump to top


Principle Investigator


Project Sponsor

Duration (months)

Project Focus

J. Dozier

UC Santa Barbara

Army Corps of Engineers


Snow Hydrology

H. Wang

U. of Wisconsin




C. Buck*/J. Lund

UC Davis

CTEMPs Pilot


Stream/Aquifer Salmon Restoration

B. Yellen/D. Boutt

Univ. of Mass


Cable Only

Surface Water/groundwater

M. Seyfield




Snow and Freezing Soil Dynamics

J. Wilson

New Mexico Tech



DTS Short Course

S. Steele-Dunne

TU Delft



SMAP Soil Moisture Monitoring support

P. Kyle

New Mexico Tech



Volcanology of Mt. Erebus

C. Thomas

Oregon State Univ



Atmospheric Turbulence

L. Kryder

Nye County, Nevada



Borehole thermal profile (heated)

Laura Belica

Great Basin National Park

U.S. Park Service


Stream habitat monitoring

Ken Glander

Duke University



Primate habitat monitoring, Costa Rica

K. Martin*/J. Lundquist

University of Washington



Forest/snow monitoring (cont.)

J. Duncan*/L. Band

North Carolina State

CTEMPs Pilot


Stream/Groundwater interaction

K. Somers*/E. Bernhart

Duke University

CTEMPs Pilot


Urban Heat Island impacts on  water

Andrew Rich*

UC-Santa Barbara

CTEMPs Pilot


Coastal lagoon groundwater exchange

Carlos Ochoa

New Mexico State Univ.



Prescribed forest burn soil monitoring

Amy Lewis

State of New Mexico



Stream habitat study

G. Scoppatone




Stream habitat studies

C. Welty

Univ. of Maryland



Urban stream monitoring

Jump to top


Principle Investigator


Project Sponsor

Duration (months)

Project Focus

J. Lundquist

U. of Washington



Snow Hydrology/Biogeochemistry

J. Dozier

UC Santa Barbara

Corps of Engineers


Snow Hydrology

J. Bahr

U. of Wisconsin



Aquifer storage and recovery

H. Wang

U. of Wisconsin




B. Andrews

UC Berkeley

CTEMPS Pilot Program


Geothermal monitoring

L. Karlson

UC Berkeley

CTEMPS Pilot Program


Glacial Hydrology

C. Buck

UC Davis

CTEMPS Pilot Program


Stream/Aquifer exchange

Jump to top


CTEMPS offers 1-day, 2-day and week-long courses on distributed temperature sensing, wireless autonomous sensing, and unmanned aerial systems. In addition, researchers and their students are welcome to visit the University of Nevada, Reno and the Oregon State University OPEnS Lab for "hands-on" training prior to instrument delivery. For announcements on upcoming short courses, see the Short Course Schedule below. To inquire or arrange a campus visit, please contact Adrian Harpold.

Course Schedule:

Upcoming Courses

December 8, 2024:  Annual hands-on training focusing on Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Systems. 

Past Courses

August 13-17, 2024:  Hands-on Workshop on Fiber-Optic Distributed Acoustic and Temperature Sensing for Interdisciplinary Earth Scientists. Fiber-Optic_Distributed_Acoustic_and_Temperature_Sensing. Application deadline is April 10.

December 11, 2022 06:00 - 14:00 PST: SCIWS27 - Fiber Optic Sensing in the Earth Sciences: Timelapse Modeling Strategies for Soil Moisture, Geomorphic Transport, Tidal Processes, Polar Processes, and Oceanography. Registration through AGU Fall Meeting.

December 11, 2021: 10 am - 4 pm CST: SCIWS29: Enhanced Access of Distributed Temperature Sensing for Early Career Scientists. Register through AGU.


  1. Scott Tyler (UNR): Distributed Temperature Sensing using Fiber Optics - The Basics!
  2. John Selker (OSU): Some Practical Matters in applying DTS
  3. Ming Xiao (Pennsylvania State University): In-Situ Monitoring of Permafrost Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS)
  4. Emma Reid (UC Irvine): Distributed Temperature Sensing for Oceanographic Applications
  5. Maria Klepikova (University of Rennes): DTS-Based investigation techniques to image subsurface properties
  6. Troy Gilmore (University of Nebraska-Lincoln): Comparison of groundwater discharge estimates with and without guidance from FO-DTS

December 12, 2021: 8 am - 4 pm CST: SCIWS17: Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Earth Sciences: From Novice to Cutting Edge. Register through AGU.

September 20 - 22, 2021: 9 am - 12 pm PT. Virtual Workshop. Open Hydrological Sensor Technologies: DIY Stream Sensor Networks. Register through CUAHSI by August 30 at 11:59 PM ET.

December 2, 2020: 13:00 - 19:00 EST. Online. SCIWS4 Applications and Advances in Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) for Earth and Space Sciences. Registration through AGU Fall Meeting. Final Schedule.


  1. Part 1: Introductions and Objectives, Recent Advances in DTS – Part 1 (1-4), DTS Industrial Partners (5-9), Discussion (10)
    1. Olivier Bour, Nataline Simon (University of Rennes): Active-DTS in sandbox experiments to validate groundwater fluxes measurements
    2. Troy Gilmore (University of Nebraska-Lincoln): Comparison of groundwater discharge estimates with and without guidance from FO-DTS
    3. Rosealea Bond (UCSC and NMFS): Using DTS to monitor environmental variability in a seasonally-closed California estuary 
    4. Christoph Thomas, Karl Lapo (University of Bayreuth): Sensing atmospheric turbulent wind direction and speed
    5. Pierre Clément (Febus Optics): Distributed temperature solutions : selecting the right technology (53:54 - 1:03:00)
    6. Agatha Podrasky (Silixa): Basic principles of Silixa’s distributed temperature sensor solutions (1:03:10 - 1:13:47)
    7. Michael Montgomery (AP Sensing): Overcoming DTS Performance Uncertainty: Raman Backscatter Temperature Measurement Technology With Unique Single-Receiver Stability (1:15:31 - 1:24:22)
    8. Doug Norton (AFL): Fiber Optic Cable Selection Considerations for Sensing (1:24:35 - 1:34:52)
    9. Etienne Friedrich (Solifos): Fibers and cable terminations for DTS environmental monitoring (1:34:58 - 1:45:17)
    10. Discussion (1:45:17 - 1:55:32)
  2. Part 2: Recent Advances in DTS – Part 2 (1-4), DTS Basics (5-6), Calibration and Experimental Design (7-8)
    1. Dante Fratta (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Monitoring the response of a district scale geothermal field using a DTS array
    2. Kristen Davis (UC Irvine): Internal wave dynamics on the inner shelf - a new perspective from DTS measurements
    3. Ted Scambos (UColo Boulder); Scott Tyler (UNR): An automated DTS Installation on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf, Antarctica: Early results 
    4. Chris Gabrielli (SelkerMetrics): DTS as a means to monitor sedimentation rates continuously over large areas
    5. Scott Tyler (UNR): Distributed Temperature Sensing using Fiber Optics - The Basics!
    6. John Selker (OSU): Some Practical Matters in applying DTS
    7. Scott Tyler (UNR): DTS Calibration: Challenges and Tools
    8. Bart Schilperoort (Delft University of Technology): Calibrating with confidence using the dtscalibration python package 
  3. Part 3: Tips and Lessons from the Field (1-3), How to access CTEMPs (4), Closing (5)
    1. Luca Schenato (National Research Council - Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection): DTS for geophysical applications: a brief assessment of suitability
    2. Marty Briggs (USGS): Efficient deployment of cables and analysis of data with the USGS ‘DTS GUI’
    3. Chadi Sayde (North Carolina State University): Actively Heated Fiber Optics DTS: Lessons From the Field
    4. Cara Walter (OSU), Chris Kratt (UNR): How to access CTEMPs Instrumentation
    5. John Selker (OSU), Scott Tyler (UNR): Closing (59:10 - 1:03:30)

December 1, 2020: 13:00 - 19:00 PST. Online. SCIWS2 AGU Workshop on Distributed Acoustic Sensing. Registration through AGU Fall Meeting.

August 31 - September 3, 2020: 9 AM – 12 PM PT, 12 PM – 3 PM ET. Online. Virtual Hand-Made Stream Sensor Networks Workshop: Build your own Smart Rock Sensor at Home! Registration Deadline: July 9, 2020. Registration through CUAHSI.

December 11, 2019, 12:30 - 13:30 - San Francisco, CA - Do-It-Together, International Community Around Openly Published Environmental Sensing. Town Hall information. Registration through AGU Fall Meeting.

December 10, 2019, 8 - 12:20 - San Francisco, CA - Do-It-Yourself Open-Source Environmental Sensing. Workshop information. Registration through AGU Fall Meeting.

December 8, 2019 - San Francisco, CA - Distributed Acoustic Sensing: Principles, Data Processing, and Applications in Earth Sciences. Workshop information. Registration through AGU Fall Meeting.

December 7, 2019 - San Francisco, CA - Applications and Advances in Distributed Temperature Sensing for Earth and Space Sciences. Workshop information. Registration through AGU Fall Meeting.

October 8-12, 2019 - Castle Thurnau, Germany - Fiber Optic Sensing in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (FOSES). Workshop information and registration.

December 9, 2018 - Grand Hyatt, Washington, D.C. - Distributed Acoustic Sensing: Principles and Case Studies. Workshop information and registration.

August 1-2, 2018 - USFWS NCTC, Washington, D.C.
Two day short courses in DTS and sUAS. Workshop information and registration.

July 12-13, 2018 - Gleneden Beach, Oregon.
Two day workshop: Integrating Science Needs with Advanced Seafloor Sensor Engineering to Provide Early Warning of Geohazards: Visioning Workshop and Roadmap for the Future. Workshop information and registration. Agenda here.

December 9-10, 2017 - Stennis Space Center, Mississippi (near New Orleans, before the AGU Fall Meeting).
The Cutting Edge of Temperature: Distributed Temerature Measurement in Earth Sciences. Workshop announcement, flier and registration.

October 18-21, 2017 - Reno, Nevada.
The First UAS Hands-on Open Format Training Session. Workshop announcement, schedule and registration.

March 18, 2017 - ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
One day short course on DTS

December 10-11, 2016 - Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Two-day short course in Temperature and Acoustic Sensing with Fiber Optics. Workshop announcement & schedule.

December 11th, 2016 - Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
1 day training: Scientific Sensing using Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Workshop announcement & schedule.

December 13th, 2015 - Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
1 day training: Scientific Sensing using Unmanned Aircraft Systems AirCTEMPs. Workshop annoucement & Schedule

December 12-13, 2015 - Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Two-day short course. Workshop announcement & schedule

August 4, 2015 - Helsinki - Geological Survey of Finland
One day short course on DTS.

June 23-25, 2015Air CTEMPS course at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Two-and-a-half-day course in Unmanned Aerial Systems in Earth Science.

July 30-August 3, 2014 - John Day, Oregon
Multi-day DTS short course

December 7-8, 2013 - Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Two-day short course - Workshop Announcement & Schedule

July 21-23, 2013 - Luxembourg
Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) and Thermal IR imagery for Hydro-ecological Characterization

December 1-2, 2012 - Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Two-day short course on DTS.

July 14-15 & 19-20, 2012 - UCAR, Boulder, CO
Two sessions of two-day short courses in conjunction with the CUAHSI 3rd Biennial Colloquium on Hydrologic Science and Engineering.

April 23-24, 2012 - Beijing, China
Two-day short course on DTS.

December 3, 2011 - Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
One-day short course on DTS.

December 11, 2010 - Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
One-day short course.

July 22, 2010 - Boulder, Colorado
One-day short course to follow the CUAHSI Biannual Science meeting.

January 11-15, 2010 - Santiago, Chile
Five-day workshop on the San Joaquin Campus of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.

December 12, 2009 -  Berkeley, California
One-day short course.

2008 - HJ Andrews, Oregon

2007 - HJ Andrews, Oregon

Instructional Videos


CTEMPs offers instructional videos to train instrument users on how to assemble field deployable fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing systems (FD-DTS). While not yet nominated for the Academy Awards, these videos will help you assemble and operate CTEMPs instruments.

We recommend that you view these videos BEFORE heading to the field and with the instruments unpacked in your laboratory to thoroughly familiarize yourself with their assembly and operation. Please head over to our YouTube channel "ctemps" for access to all of our instructional videos and other resource videos: CTEMPS. You can also find recordings of past workshops on DTS, UAS and DAS on our channel.




DTS Data Processing


The CTEMPs MATLAB® DTS Toolbox provides simple graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to completely process DTS field data from start to finish. Users can compile raw data files collected by either Sensornet or Silixa DTS systems and calibrate the temperature data in a few simple steps. The User Guide outlines the contents of the toolbox and provide basic instruction for using the toolbox. A comprehensive sample data set with step-by-step instruction has been included.

These ‘beta’ GUIs require specific data files and formats. Files not matching expected formats may cause processing errors. The Guide contains specific details for how data may need to be formatted in the event of processing errors. Documentation for each GUI is provided in the manual.  These scripts were developed to be used with instruments leased through CTEMPs and have been tested on sample data sets collected from these instruments. Your feedback and recommendations are welcome.

This toolbox is the result of the hard work of both Mark Hausner and Scott Kobs.

Download the toolbox



DTSGUI is a public-domain software tool to import, manage, parse/cull, georeference, analyze and visualize fiber-optic distributed temperature sensor (FO-DTS) data.

Access via USGS website


Python DTS Calibration Toolbox

Bas des Tombe, Bart Schilperoort, and Mark Bakker from Delft University of Technology have developed a Python based toolbox for calibrating DTS. 

Access the toolbox on Github.

Detailed description of the calibration procedure:

des Tombe, B., Schilperoort, B. and Bakker, M., 2020. Estimation of Temperature and Associated Uncertainty from Fiber-Optic Raman-Spectrum Distributed Temperature SensingSensors, 20(8), p.2235.


Python DTS Data Processing Toolbox

pyfocs is the University of Bayreuth Micrometeorology python library for processing Fiber Optic Distributed Sensing (FODS) data. It is intended to streamline the handling of large and long-term DTS setups.

Access the toolbox on Github